Front end Developer
- **Name:** Mahmoud Elkassas - **Email:** [email protected] - **Phone:** +20 102 040 5204 - **Portfolio Website:** [Portfolio]( #### **Education** - **Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering** - **University:** Al-Azhar University, Cairo - **Graduation Year:** 2024 #### **Professional Experience** - **Frontend Developer** - **Notion Clone Project** - Developed a Notion-like app using modern web technologies. - [GitHub Repository]( | [Live Demo]( - **Full-Stack eCommerce Website** - Designed and implemented a fully functional eCommerce platform using React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. - **Airbnb Clone** - Built an Airbnb-like application leveraging Next.js 13, Prisma, and MongoDB. #### **Technical Skills** - **Programming Languages:** JavaScript, TypeScript - **Frameworks & Libraries:** React.js, Next.js, Express.js - **Tools:** Prisma, Drizzle ORM, Clerk, Cloudinary - **Database Management:** MongoDB, MySQL #### **Projects & Achievements** - Developed responsive and high-performance web applications. - Expertise in creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces. - Skilled in managing large-scale databases like MongoDB and Prisma. #### **Interests** - Open-source software development. - Exploring new technologies and frameworks in web development.