Professional and distinctive voiceover helps you market your product remarkably

Lady lina
Lady lina


About the Gig

Provide a highly professional voiceover service suitable for all types of projects, from commercials and audiobooks to documentaries and autoresponder systems. I have a clear voice, an elaborate performance, and the ability to convey the message in a style that attracts the audience and leaves an impact.

Average response time : less than a minute
Saudi Arabia
Member Since
Nov 20, 2024
لينا الشامي اجيد مهارة التسويق والإقناع حاصلة على شهادة البكالوريوس في ادارة الأعمال اتحدث اللغات العربية والروسية بطلاقة


Provide voiceover services for a variety of projects, including advertising, audiobooks, documentaries, answering systems, tutorials, and electronic games


/ 1 Project
Voiceover and marketing of products professionally
1 Day
2 Revisions Count

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